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Shadow Rescue

Partner with Your Self on The Other Side




You heard it, didn't you?
Maybe you even saw it.
I know you dreamt of it. Oh the dreams! So real...
You heard it calling. Calling to You. 


Hello, I'm Linda Casselman. 


I am NOT a Paranormal Investigator or a Ghost Hunter.


I'm like you. I've been through what you're going through. Then I learned how to "Walk My Wolf" and partner with him on The Other Side.  Find out more about me here.


I know I can help you do it too. That's why Your Wolf is Calling. But there is so much more to it, so much more to Your Wolf. And So Much More to You too! I'm so excited for you to discover it all.


Want proof? I already know about Your Wolf, The Call ...and the dreams. I bet it took you through The Forest to The Castle, didn't it? Did you see Your Door? Still not enough? Okay. Try my Ghost Hugs Challenge then. If you can Feel Me, then you will know that what I say is true.


I bet you have a lot of questions now and are eager to get answers. Book a Consultation with me and let's get started.


Serving mainly the Cornwall and S.D.&G. region of Ontario, Canada.

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